Our newest certification program is PERFECT for newer groomers
This certification is a great program for students or new "baby" groomers, as well as those who have few (if any) purebred dogs or dogs in breed patterns that are required for the Master program. It is a program that will certify that you have the basic knowledge of safety, sanitation and a general grasp of the SIX basic patterns that make up dog grooming. Below is an outline of this program. If you have any further questions, email Debi at [email protected] with your questions.
1.The safety and sanitation class (online NLT September 15th 2018) is required for this certificate program and is included at no charge with your membership.
2.You will be required to show that you know how to properly prepare the dogs coat. They must be bathed and dried correctly for the type of coat they have.
3. You will be required to groom FOUR different dogs of your choosing. Each one must represent one of the six basic patterns in grooming.
A. Even all over, cute head. This can be anything from a 4F to a hand scissored dog.
B. A full coated dog or a double coated dog in an OUTLINE trim.
C. A dog that has a shorter body and longer legs. Sometimes called a Lamb trim or Teddy Bear trim.
D. Long Legged Terrier, such as a schnauzer.
E. Short Legged terrier, such as a westie trim.
F. Skirted breed like a cocker.
Remember that these patterns can be done on a mixed breed or a pure bred. They can be ANY breed or mix as long as the body patterns are in conjunction with the description above.
4. You will take a written test at the end of the practicals, not on each pattern, and it will be based on grooming principals, not on breed profiles.
5. Testing can be done online ( via video upload or live viewing) or in person at a test site or a show if we are offering certification at that show. We can also certify you in your salon if you hold a class for your salon or your area. Please contact Debi for more information on setting up a class.
This program is new, and we are ready to begin testing immediately. Each dog is $50 a piece for this program and can be paid for in total or separate as you take the practical. Each dog will be allowed 1.5 hours to complete. Dogs should be bathed and dried prior to certification testing. The certification can be paid for via PayPal invoice or on the website. If you choose to purchase here on the site, I will email you to set up your testing.
***You must be a member in good standing to take these tests. You can join now by going to our membership page and purchasing a membership. The Lifetime PLUS membership includes all the prices for the certification tests.
1.The safety and sanitation class (online NLT September 15th 2018) is required for this certificate program and is included at no charge with your membership.
2.You will be required to show that you know how to properly prepare the dogs coat. They must be bathed and dried correctly for the type of coat they have.
3. You will be required to groom FOUR different dogs of your choosing. Each one must represent one of the six basic patterns in grooming.
A. Even all over, cute head. This can be anything from a 4F to a hand scissored dog.
B. A full coated dog or a double coated dog in an OUTLINE trim.
C. A dog that has a shorter body and longer legs. Sometimes called a Lamb trim or Teddy Bear trim.
D. Long Legged Terrier, such as a schnauzer.
E. Short Legged terrier, such as a westie trim.
F. Skirted breed like a cocker.
Remember that these patterns can be done on a mixed breed or a pure bred. They can be ANY breed or mix as long as the body patterns are in conjunction with the description above.
4. You will take a written test at the end of the practicals, not on each pattern, and it will be based on grooming principals, not on breed profiles.
5. Testing can be done online ( via video upload or live viewing) or in person at a test site or a show if we are offering certification at that show. We can also certify you in your salon if you hold a class for your salon or your area. Please contact Debi for more information on setting up a class.
This program is new, and we are ready to begin testing immediately. Each dog is $50 a piece for this program and can be paid for in total or separate as you take the practical. Each dog will be allowed 1.5 hours to complete. Dogs should be bathed and dried prior to certification testing. The certification can be paid for via PayPal invoice or on the website. If you choose to purchase here on the site, I will email you to set up your testing.
***You must be a member in good standing to take these tests. You can join now by going to our membership page and purchasing a membership. The Lifetime PLUS membership includes all the prices for the certification tests.